Possession(English version) – JYONGRI

You are my possession
Cannot let go
Sorry but, its all controlled
I’m your possession
Right now, up ‘till forever
Don’t you feel the passion burning hot inside you?

You are my possession
I take you higher
Sooth and luscious nights together
I’m your possession
Your touch, caress and whispers
Make me wanna give to you my body and soul

You are mine and I’m yours
Our love don’t mean much more
But is there more that can be asked for?
I watch over you through day and dark nights
You’re roaming in my mind, so
Aren’t you owned?

What you do I do too
Isn’t that strange, my boo?
Laughing don’t even seem right without you
I feel this love is gives me melody
And I feel harmony
Oh I’m totally yours

I’m sinking deep and fast in to you
Everything ‘round me just seems so new
I may be weak and too young to play games
No reason to stop, I’m devoured by your daze

You are my possession
Cannot let go
Sorry but, its all controlled
I’m your possession
Right now, up ‘till forever
Don’t you feel the passion burning hot inside you?

You are my possession
I take you higher
Sooth and luscious nights together
I’m your possession
Your touch, caress and whispers
Make me wanna give to you my body and soul

Quite submissive that’s me, overprotective you
Pull me around and I’ll listen to you
Even in fights, we make love oh so fine
That brings us to delight
We’re lovers, we adore

Your lust keeps my heart beating
Everything ‘round me seems so exciting
You cry my tears and I feel you sore and pains
This is the love, everyone longs for

You are my possession
I take you higher
Sooth and luscious nights together
I’m your possession
Your touch, caress and whispers
Make me wanna give to you my body and soul

Being loved its made me realize
How precious love can make your whole life shine
Impossible to live without you
You’ve given me too much to leave

You are my possession
Cannot let go
Sorry but, its all controlled
I’m your possession
Right now, up ‘till forever
Don’t you feel the passion burning hot inside you?

You are my possession
I take you higher
Sooth and luscious nights together
I’m your possession
Your touch, caress and whispers
Make me wanna give to you my body and soul


First Goodbye – JYONGRI


Amanojyaku – JYONGRI

“This is good music”私の言葉はどこまで無意味な意見なのかしら“Nu uh it isn't”綱引きのようなやりとりを続けても融通が利かないん

Walking – JYONGRI

知らない街に出かける時の気分そこには誰も知らないそんな自分がいる新しいシューズに託す大きな期待どんな出会いや場所へと導いてゆくの Daylightいつも少し足り

Without You – JYONGRI


My All For You – JYONGRI

With a smile 悲しい時でも私を微笑ませてくれたねAll the time そばにいると当たり前な人なのに離れてみると切ないよ雲の間から覗いた眩しい光

Getting Funky! – JYONGRI

「泣いたら忘れろ」それでいいよ普段のハツラツその笑顔でカーテンのむこうは虹色の朝窓を開けたら寝顔がほどけた寝不足でも、it's all good失恋したてでも、


先が見えないのがちょっと不安で胸騒ぎがしたの優しさや悲しみまでも君の肩にかかってるwhat would I be without you?すべてを信じてるけど切


~ summer, winter, fall and spring,I'm always missing U ~長い間キスはおあずけはにかんだ眼差しはもう見られ



~約束~ – JYONGRI

I promise if we try, it'll stay by your side信じていいの、いつでも一緒だと…こんなまじめな想い抱けたのもそう、きみの

Lost girl – JYONGRI

I've forgotten how to smile知らぬ間に3年経ってたねこの世界色があることすら気付かなくなってる自分がいるよ目を閉じた方がよく見える気が

Wherever – JYONGRI

待って、my baby最後の一秒までぎゅっと抱きしめてこれから会えない分もポケットからさりげなく渡してくれた手紙「帰るまで読まないで」やっぱりお別れなのあぁ、羽

Hop,Step,Jump! – JYONGRI

何度も失敗する人生 (odds are low FOR YOU) ぐらいわかるよゴールが遠くて (beyond my sight SO FAR) 見えなくなる事

Romeo&Juliet – JYONGRI

危ない恋が好きで、恋に落ち危ないのルール違反の君に惚れちゃったみたいLove at first sight 信じてなかったけどyou felt so close

Lullaby For You – JYONGRI


Catch me – JYONGRI

(Hurry, Run. Time for us.)ロマンチックなムードぎこちないダイヤの指輪(リング)にときめきもしない記念日とか覚えない主義少し常識外れと相


I'm looking pretty, ready to go流行りのワンピースは 今日のためにとっておいたのLooking hot, lip gloss, o

Kissing Me – JYONGRI

At First Sight 自然に惹かれ合って感じ合える出会いにいつでもハズレはない偶然のときめきと奇跡と運命のイタズラがこんなに近づく恋する乙女だから切なく

Youre the One – JYONGRI

もう飽きたと思ってたあの曲をまた口ずさんでいた騒がしい街の中に埋もれてた大切な気持ち忘れてたl was so sick and tired of silly l



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