
float – Fortuna

Don’t think about all my mind
Tell me something
I help back for so long lay me down
Don’t look put all of pain and so your love
I can’t answer for your dream & my heart
Don’t you listen anything I say every day
I feel anxious for my heart and my dream
Don’t make it my way walk that way me,
I wanna runaway
I think me got it all wrong anyway
Can you love me again?
So live up to you dream with going
for the sunrise keep walking now
Can I love you again?
But dream of early story
We’re never searching for love…

I say「I remember of you,
but trying my way… yeah…」
You say「Wait, I don’t look back my way
need you & I love you」
I can close to you my mind
because he knows…

Don’t sing… Listen my song close to me
I know the truth of your dream
I can catch easily
Don’t live to find me deep with you
I know going wrong way,
but can’t return…
Can you love me again?
So feeling dark and blue lonely
only pain with the start again
Can I love you again?
But dream of early story
We’re never searching for love…


キラリア – fortuna

流れて消えてく あの星のように千切れた答えは 風に流された逃してしまった出口には二度とたどり着けない迷宮(ラビリンス)で涙を拭った退化して無くなった尾びれでもそ

マグナ・イデア – fortuna

手を伸ばす 触れた気がするだけどまた 壊してしまう少しだけ もう少しだけ分かりかけた答えを教えてsign見逃しがちの 小さな出来事にたくさんの意味が込められてい

ONE WISH – Fortuna


Mnemosyne – Fortuna

透き通る青が続いていくこの世界見渡す限り浮き沈み行く記憶達いつか生まれた赤と白の星屑はmaking a soul riverpray for the love&

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